Go Deep to Go Far
Graduate Degrees in Goddess Studies
Ubiquity University is partnering with The New England Goddess Temple’s Triple Spiral Mystery School to offer practitioners the opportunity to earn graduate degrees (MA, DMin, PhD, MA/PhD, and MA/DMin) in Goddess Studies. Students who pursue and complete the Goddess Immersion & Priestess Path (a three-year path of study incorporating The Sacred Feminine, Myth, Imagination, Creativity, and Leadership) will qualify to apply for Ubiquity graduate degrees.

Walking the path of the Goddess can radically shift how we experience the world.
When we embody Life through the lens of the Sacred Feminine, it can be both magical and transformative. The recognition and celebration of the Goddess offers an intimacy with ~ and responsibility for ~ Mother Earth and all living beings. The Goddess Path allows us to step forward as leaders from a place of authenticity, wisdom, compassion, interconnection and love.
The Goddess Immersion is a deep exploration of the Sacred Feminine’s ancient stories and mythologies, archetypes, and creative expressions within the container of a supportive Goddess community. This is a unique virtual opportunity to combine self-care, personal growth, and education. Participants emerge empowered, confident, and ready to bring their talents and skills as a leader in an earth-and-feminine-based consciousness. Students will receive a Priestess Certification upon completion of the three-year-spiral, along with a Ministry Ordination ceremony and certificate to further support their work in the world.
“The Triple Spiral Mystery School has provided me with an incredible community, participants and facilitators alike, that support my path of evolving to higher levels of self-awareness and spirit. Add to that the extra bonus of journeying with a new Goddess each month as we walk hand-in-hand with them to embody their wisdom and spirit.”
~ Audrey M., LPC, BCC
Who Is the Program For?
This program is for those who:
- Are interested in an immersion in Goddess studies.
- Are drawn to ritual, ceremony and the path of devotion.
- Are inspired to step into heart-centered leadership.
- Feel an intimate connection with Mother Earth and all of life.
- Wish to shift the consciousness of our planet to one that honors the Sacred Feminine in all aspects of life.
- Yearn for a supportive, like-minded community.
- Believe there is an alternative way of being in the world, one that is supportive, non-competitive, passionate, compassionate, interconnected, loving and magical.

Dates: Ongoing; each spiral runs March through January
Ubiquity University, in partnership with NEGT, is delighted to offer those who have followed the three-year core program an opportunity to develop their own unique and well-researched contribution to the field in the form of a higher education degree.
Though you may begin your journey with UU at any time throughout your Goddess Immersion with NEGT, we recommend that your program begins with Ubiquity’s Creative Journey to Dissertation course, which will give you the tools to shape, and eventually write your thesis or dissertation. You will then complete your coursework with NEGT, and return again to Ubiquity for the higher education credential.
Those who have enrolled in, or completed, coursework with NEGT may begin the process of enrollment with Ubiquity by clicking below.
About The Program
The story of the Goddess belongs to all genders and cultures. She has always been an accessible deity: The warmth in our hearth, the fire over which to cook, the river whose water we drink, the soil that grows nourishment. She is Mother Nature herself, and for many, the birther of the Cosmos. Throughout time we have seen Her revealed through a myriad of myths and faces. She has been revived, recast, and renamed throughout the ages, and her infinite aspects have evolved into a vast array of personalities and stories.
The past several thousand years have seen an attempt to obscure and even obliterate the Great Mother. The result is a world disconnected from and even destroying our very own Earth. However, after millennia of repression and subjugation, we are witnessing the Feminine rising again. We believe we are unable to become whole, and unable to make our way back towards recognizing our unique Oneness, until the Sacred Feminine reclaims Her place and is fully embraced in the consciousness of humanity.
This highly experiential three-year course is a personal journey, or “Goddess Quest”, with an emphasis on the Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes. Each year is split into three trimesters over nine months. Following the lunar calendar and seasonal celebrations, students will come together in a virtual community each month to learn about and explore ancient and current stories, myths and archetypes of the Sacred Feminine through the lens of various cultures. Each Goddess archetype will guide us on a creative journey that will lead us to discover hidden, unconscious aspects of ourselves. We will explore how each archetype is reflected through our own personal journey. A range of creative modalities will be offered and explored, including visual arts, creative writing, poetry, music, movement, play, cooking, and guided meditation. These modalities are designed to encourage each of us to discover the methods of expression that inspire us.
Year 1 – The Maiden
Students will immerse in the Maiden archetype, whose themes involve starting anew, a rebirth, the idea of heading out on a new journey or pilgrimage as a seeker of Spirit. There is often a childlike innocence to this archetype, but also resurrection, renewal, self-discovery, receptivity, empathy, playfulness, passion, beauty, fertility, and the creative aspect of ourselves. Students will demonstrate leadership in the Goddess community through one live Zoom sharing and one video offering, by weaving connection, participation in a monthly healing circle, active participation in the Facebook community, and participation in the Goddess Quest. Requirements also include monthly altar work, wheel of the year rituals, meditations, creative practices, journaling, required supportive reading, and a final Leadership Project and Written Reflection.
Year 2 - The Mother
Students will immerse in the Mother archetype, whose themes involve nourishment, growth, self-care, compassion, love, tenderness, protection, creative power, sovereignty, personal power, and the warrior. The Mother is the source of all life. She represents the love and nurturing humans need. The archetypal Mother possesses great generosity that reaches into all aspects of life. Students will demonstrate leadership in the Goddess community through two live Zoom sharings, two video offerings, by weaving connections, participation in a monthly healing circle, active participation in the Facebook community, participation in the Goddess Quest. Requirements also include monthly altar work, wheel of the year rituals, meditations, creative practices, journaling, required supportive reading, and a final Leadership Project and Written Reflection.
Year 3 - The Crone/Wise Woman
The central themes of the Crone/Wise Woman include the cycle of life (birth-life-death) that is present in the human experience and in all creation. In many ancient cultures, Crones were the medicine women, healers and guides and held a designation of honor and respect. The Crone helps us through transitions, drawing us inward during difficult times. She brings meaning to the shadow side of us that dies and comes to life again, just as the dark moon turns new once again. Students will demonstrate leadership in the Goddess community through three live Zoom sharings, three video offerings, by weaving connection, participation in a monthly healing circle, active participation in the Facebook community, participation in the Goddess Quest. Requirements also include monthly altar work, wheel of the year rituals, meditations, creative practices, journaling, required supportive reading, and a final Leadership Project and Written Reflection.
Program outcomes
Those who complete the three-year program with NEGT will:
- Receive a deep understanding and increased awareness of the Self through ritual, ceremony, creative expression, and a formal Goddess Quest.
- Receive High Priestess certification, which offers a wide variety of opportunities for leadership in earth-based, feminine-based, and devotional realms.
- Receive Ministry Ordination for furthering spiritual work, and for facilitating sacred ritual and ceremony in the world.
- Gain an in-depth and broad knowledge of the Sacred Feminine throughout time and culture.
- Be equipped to navigate life’s challenges through embodied tools of empowerment.
- Become an integral member of a heart-centered and Sacred-Feminine based community.
Note: This Goddess Immersion curriculum is a “living curriculum” that allows room for it to grow and change according to the energy in the eco-field, the facilitators’ evolving insights and wisdom, and the present needs and interests of the participants.
All coursework is administered by The New England Goddess Temple. Students must contact NEGT directly for more information about course content, academic requirements and timelines. Visit the website here for more details.
Those who have enrolled in or completed coursework with NEGT may begin the process of enrollment with Ubiquity by clicking below.
Program Faculty
Ubiquity’s Academic Courses
- Creative Journey to Dissertation Writing (all degrees)
- Great Books (only for PhD, MA/PhD combined students)
- Chartres Academy (only for PhD & MA/PhD Students)
Program Completion Requirements
Goddess Studies
Goddess Studies Coursework
Creative Journey to Dissertation
Goddess Studies
Goddess Studies Coursework
Creative Journey to Dissertation
Chartres Academy
Great Books
Combined MA/PhD/DMin Goddess Studies
Goddess Studies Coursework
Creative Journey to Dissertation
Chartres Academy
Great Books
Electives (8 credits)
Pricing for Ubiquity’s Academic Courses
Note that these prices do not include the cost of partner coursework, Chartres in-person costs or costs of additional elective courses.
MA/MSc $5000
PhD $15000
MA/MSc/PhD $16600
Save up to
paying full
Ubiquity offers a 5% discount for students that are able to make the full payment up front. That means you save $250 on a Masters/MSc, $750 on a PhD and $830 on MA/MSc/PhD.
Student Academic Journey
The duration of your student journey will vary depending on your degree pathway.
Ubiquity offers instalment plans for all degree students over an 18 month period.

About The New England Goddess Temple’s Triple Spiral Mystery School
Based in historic Boxborough, Massachusetts, we are an ever-growing community of people who believe that Love is the necessary shift for our planet. At the New England Goddess Temple, some of the ways we find healing and joy are through yoga, nature, sacred ritual and ceremony, food, music, pilgrimage, and the arts. We come together to cherish Mother Earth, to hold space for each other’s sacred journeys, to celebrate the rebirth of Divine Feminine consciousness in the world, and to connect to our own divine spirits within.

The Ubiquity Graduate Degree
The Ubiquity Graduate Program combines the US and European designs of graduate programs with a blend of taught learning with research and writing. The thesis or dissertation must demonstrate excellence at every level. It must show awareness of the history of the literature in your particular area; demonstrate careful analysis and understanding of the field in question; and, most importantly, show how your insight can be applied to the real world. The dissertation must be scholarly and utilize extensive bibliographical data and footnotes. It should, in other words, be an impeccable work of research.

The Creative Journey To Dissertation
It is a 1-week intensive designed by our Dean of Graduate Studies Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo. The course is a critical part of the dissertation writing process and is a requirement for all MA/PhD candidates.
Faculty: Gyorgyi Szabo

Great Books
Faculty: Gyorgyi Szabo PhD, Jim Garrison PhD
The Great Books course at Ubiquity University delves into literature that has shaped human thought. Students discuss, analyze, and connect historical themes to contemporary global challenges, deepening their understanding of enduring literary works.

Chartes Academy
Our Chartres Academy is intended as a gathering point for a contemporary wisdom community to come together through the very same learning system that Fulbert and Plato used — the seven Liberal Arts.
Support during your Graduate Program
During your graduate dissertation writing you will be supported by a Major Advisor of your own choosing, as well as optional writing courses and writing mentorship.