
Go Deep to Go Far

Ubiquity University Publishing

Add your dissertation or thesis to our growing library of exceptional titles published through Ubiquity University Publishing.

The world needs your wisdom now.

Let’s get it out there.

Add your dissertation or thesis to our growing library of exceptional titles published through Ubiquity University Publishing. The journey of learning and enlightenment traveled by the students of Ubiquity has created a beautiful and important body of work that we can now offer as a stunning published library of titles available for all to enjoy and learn from.

Ubiquity University Publishing can take your original theses and dissertations and develop and adapt them for more general public engagement. We would update the academic styling, resetting and improving any tables, figures and images. We’d design a front cover and adapt the whole style to fit with our brand guidelines, transforming your dissertation into a book ready for distribution across Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Target, Waterstones and over 40,000 International book retailers across multiple countries.

Example of Costs

A typical 50,000 word PhD dissertation


A 30,000 word Master’s thesis


This would cover reviewing and setting the book, suggesting a number of options and finalizing a chosen cover. Also discussing and agreeing a title and subtitle, and preparing artwork for publishing. In addition, help would be given in creating an author’s biography, full and shortened descriptions, category references and all information required for publishing across the major bookseller platforms.

We can also provide e-book formats for your book on Amazon and the majority of other book publishing platforms.

PhD e-book: $700

Masters-book: $500

Supporting You

As the author you retain the full copyright of your content.

You also receive 90% of the income that comes to UU Publishing from the sales of your book. (As you might know, in the commercial publishing world this is often only between 10%-20% for new Authors).

Ubiquity University Publishing can also support you with a whole range of services that will help to get your insights into the world – something much needed at this time!

Services Available to Ubiquity University
Graduates and Students

We understand that every author is different and every book is unique. We will work with you to craft a custom publishing solution that will give your book the edge it needs to succeed in the marketplace and beyond. The options below will be quoted for per request.

Find out more with a personalised quote. Contact us to set up a Zoom chat where we can discuss your work in detail and from which prepare a detailed and thorough quote including the services below:

To meet professional standards and ensure your manuscript is as good as it can be before going into production, copyediting by an experienced book editor is essential. Issues with logical flow, continuity, consistency, redundancy, and factual content will also be addressed and suggestions made to help you correct these issues.

Substantive Editing
In addition to the issues addressed in a copyediting review, a substantive edit considers your intended audience for relevancy, structural, and logical flow. This is a more intensive review of your manuscript. The editor may reword unclear and awkward writing to improve the clarity and flow of ideas, restructure paragraphs in the manuscript, and eliminate redundancy.

A simple and basic proofread during the course of preparing the artworks will be carried out along with a simple spellcheck. This will result in correction to spelling, punctuation, syntax and grammar. This is included in the basic cost. A professional proofreading service can be offered as required for an additional fee.

Layout Proofreading
Once a manuscript is formatted, any changes by the author will be costed along with an additional proofread once those changes have been completed. This will address any impact the changes have made to the overall document. The additional proofreading will be quoted for along with the costs for any additional changes at the time those changes are submitted for review and quote.

Basic indexing improvements will be actioned once the formatting process commences. If substantial changes to existing indexing is suggested this will be discussed and costs quoted before any work commences.

A front and back cover design following Ubiquity University Publishing’s distinctive brand guidelines offers the chance to be visually part of a beautiful collection of work.

Our design department will create a carefully considered artwork based on the concepts and content of your manuscript as part of the initial cost. Included in this will be an ISBN barcode and other information required for publication.

Two additional services are available for an extra fee offering a more collaborative design process.

Basic Cover

As a benefit to an author under contract with Ubiquity University Publishing, you will receive a complimentary cover for your book. The design concept for our Basic Cover is determined exclusively by our experienced design department. The Basic Cover package includes:

Quality Cover

Choose high-resolution digital images from one of our sources. Based on this image we will design one front cover concept for your review. The Quality Cover package includes the following:

Premium Cover

After a review of your manuscript and a survey of bestselling cover design styles for your book’s genre, we will choose suitable images and design three front cover concepts for your selection. The Premium Cover package includes the following:

Book Title Consulting

This service offers you the highest degree of input to the titling process any author may have. While you will work hand-in-glove with your editor in an effort to reflect the title and subtitle you desire, ultimately your publisher makes the final decision regarding your book’s title and subtitle, making Book Title Consulting the obvious choice for savvy authors.

Author Bio and Back Cover Copywriting

Your biography establishes your credibility and encourages the reader to trust you. Speaking to your target audience through the back cover will encourage the reader to purchase your book. If you need help in writing and supplying an Author bio we can help.

It’s easy to tell when book pages are “designed” with a word processor and when they’re designed by a professional. Preparing book pages includes much more than setting margins and choosing fonts. Our exacting standards ensures your layout will generally conform to the following:

An online presence is absolutely essential to your book’s visibility, and an Author website will help ensure the success of your book. You may already have a personal website, so adding a dedicated page promoting your book could be something we can help with.

We can also help you set up an Author’s website from scratch. This could be specifically done to sell and support your book, or you could create it as part of your own personal brand, making yourself and your work visible to a much larger audience.

We will discuss and agree what is required from our initial conversations by Zoom, and from there confirm a budget to work within before starting any projects.




Additional Options

Hosting and Site Maintenance

Ongoing hosting fees and site maintenance support are available as a monthly fee.

Website Flipbooks

Ask us about a Flipbook where your viewers may read your book on your website.

Ubiquity University Publishing offers a comprehensive range of additional services that can help support the launch of your book. From branding to Social Media support and campaigns, once your book is available internationally, you can choose exactly how much investment and in what form that investment is required to market your title.

You may simply wish to make your work available to your peers at Ubiquity University, or you could plan to push to a wider marketplace.

We are more than happy to discuss the options available and guide you along a chosen pathway – sharing that journey with you.

If you’d like to know more contact publishing@ubiquityuniversity.org and we’ll schedule a chat.

Video Trailers

A good quality video trailer can be an exceptional marketing tool. The video can be posted on your website, used in Social Media campaigns, Kickstarter campaigns – the applications are considerable. Three options are available but a video book trailer can be made that features whichever elements you require:

1 - Book Teaser

30 second video trailer, including script-writing, sound effects, royalty-free music, video footage of your actual book.

2 - Book Trailer

60 second video trailer, including script-writing, professional voice-over, sound effects, royalty-free music, video footage of your actual book.

3 - Book Trailer Pro

60 second video trailer, including script-writing, story-boarding and review session, professional voice-over, sound effects, royalty-free music, enhanced studio effects, video footage of your actual book.


The price to produce an audiobook ranges greatly according to the page count of your book and your voice preferences. Contact us for a custom quote for your audiobook.


A podcast is an online radio show that can be automatically delivered to your computer or smartphone. We believe in the power of podcasts to market and distribute information about your book.

Social Media Support

Support can be offered at every level. Any help will start with a review of your existing Social platforms and a discussion of how much help and advice, or actual ongoing support you’d like to engage with.

The initial review is a look at your existing channels and how those fit into your aspirations to promote your book. Specific areas of review are how your personal branding and existing platforms can be leveraged together and grown to achieve your intentions for your book and shared messages.

This can be as basic as a report and suggestions on potential growth of followers, to a complete side-by-side journey helping you set up channels from scratch and ongoing posting for growth.

Paid-for Social Media campaigns are also an option to promote book sales and personal brand development.

Email Newsletters and E-shots

If you have a growing database of E-mail contacts – which can be attracted through Social Media, data-grab pop-ups on your websites, word of mouth, networking events, for example, regular contact with that audience through their email addresses can be beneficial in keeping your brand and your book highlighted on an ongoing basis.

We can help you create and administer regular E-shots about your work and publishing activity, we can also help with design and distribution of digital newsletters.

Printed marketing items and merchandise

A complete range of items can be designed and fabricated in support of your book. These items can be distributed in person by yourselves (or your team) at actual events – book launches, conferences, academic networking opportunities, and they can be made additionally available for sale through your websites, Social Media platforms, etc.

Postcards, Bookmarks, Oracle Decks, Workbooks, Journals, Notebooks, Pin badges, branded clothing, scarfs, mugs, pens, giveaway leaflets, posters, exhibition pop-up banners, tablecloths – all these items can be supplied branded to match your book.

Press Kit and PR Support

Help will be given to target press opportunities for your book’s release.

Your subject matter may be of particular interest to specific institutes, and you may have already identified who could help you in promoting your message and book.

We can design, write and create a professional Press Release, worded to appeal to either magazines and periodicals, or specific releases worded to appeal to a specific person or institute.

As well as creating perfectly worded documents, we’ll help prepare a set of supporting Hi-resolution images that most magazines and periodicals will require to publish your story.

If you don’t see what you need here, just ask!


Your original text needs to be supplied in a format ready for creating book artwork. When reviewing initially, advice will be given to make any amendments to your manuscript that are required before we commence work.

This format will make the book accessible to an international marketplace and ensures that your work has the best chance of being a seamless and smooth read to the intended readership. This would include adding all references to endnotes after each paragraph, replacing them with superscript numbering for ease of legibility. You can do this and any other updates yourself, or the service can be provided by Ubiquity University Publishing.

In addition to the text being supplied in the required format, all images, tables, graphs and illustrations need to be supplied as clear, optimized files in high-resolution format (300dpi) suitable for print. If you need help with this we will review and offer solutions and help at the time of quoting.

Find out more

Every piece of work is different, so if you would like to find out how we can publish your work please contact

Submit your dissertation or thesis and we can review and quote an accurate price to make your work available to an international audience!

Published So Far

Volution - A Philosophy of Reconnection

Peter Merry, PhD

“Volution” is a profound way of seeing ourselves, our world and the process of life. It enables us to integrate our deep felt sense of interconnectedness with the dynamic self-organising reality that the new sciences describe. A perspective that can help heal and transform our world.

24/7 Flow – Thrive Around the Clock

Paula Petry, PhD and Leigh Kapps, Phd

“24/7 Flow” blends spiritual wisdom and practice with the latest in scientific knowledge. This book provides a roadmap to creating your personal blueprint for a life of flow and ease.

Holotropic Art – Images from Hidden Worlds

Paula Petry, PhD and Leigh Kapps, Phd

“Holotropic Art – Images from Hidden Worlds” explores author Brigitte Grof’s inner transformation and healing through her experiences and research with holotropic states of consciousness. Expressed through the creation of artworks by herself and others, the book explores her personal experience as well as research on topics related to holotropic art, transpersonal psychology, spirituality and science.

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