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Integral Flourishing (Part One) (Bildung Academie)



Course Description
Many of us strive to flourish. But what exactly does this mean? What action can we take to flourish more often, both within ourselves and in our interaction with others?

Your coursework is designed to help you explore this concept within the three dimensions of I, We and Society. Within the dimension of I, you will explore how to improve the quality of your own life. Within the dimension of We, you will explore how to improve the quality of the lives of others in direct relationship with you. Within the dimension of Society, you will explore how to promote Integral Flourishing and significantly improve well-being within the larger community.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the program you will be able to:

  • Use critical thinking skills to analyse the statistical significance of research, determine the effectiveness of interventions related to the promotion of well-being and formulate your own definition of Integral Flourishing
  • Positively influence your own well being, optimize your potential and live a happier, healthier and more meaningful life
  • Be able to effectively work with others to promote well-being in human society

Your Instructor – Lee Mason

Lee Mason is a graduate of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), where he studied Physical Therapy. During this time, Lee facilitated thousands of treatment sessions with patients in various sectors of the Dutch healthcare industry, including private practices, rehabilitation centers, a hospice and a university hospital (VU University Medical Center Amsterdam). As a teacher, Lee has facilitated courses and workshops for students of universities in Amsterdam (UvA), Utrecht (UU) and Eindhoven (TU). In addition, he has provided individual coaching for clients employed by Accenture, Amsterdam University (VU) and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Science (OCW). Lee has a keen interest in holistic approaches to health and well-being and has studied systemic therapy (constellation work) in the lineage of Bert Hellinger. Through the Integral Flourishing course, Lee aims to offer participants a number of practical techniques that can help them to concretely improve the quality of their daily lives.

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