
IF1 – Weeks 1 and 2 – Introduction to Flourishing – Introduction

Module One: Introduction to Flourishing provides an overview of the trajectory of the course. Also, you will be invited to bond with the other group members and together create an environment conducive for transformational learning. Furthermore, we will examine two theoretical models which we will be using as guidelines throughout the entire course. Finally, we will review expectations and guidelines related to both the individual presentations of Module 9 and the final project of Module 15.

By the end of this module you should be able to (1) describe and explain the quadrant-model of Integral Theory as developed by Ken Wilber and (2) understand and articulate the subcategories of the PERMA-model as developed by Martin Seligman.

Live Virtual Classroom vs. Internal Online Independent Study

Students taking the course in Live Virtual Classroom mode will have buddies to team up with to do the buddy exercises and will be working together on creating videos.

Students taking the course in Internal Online Independent Study mode do not have to do the videos or the final video project. You will be assessed differently by creating a Reflection Journal and doing a Final Creative Assignment which will be used for grading.

Although this course can be taken by an individual in our Internal Online Independent Study mode, it is really built to be experienced with a peer or a friend. If you would like to invite someone to come along with you in your course journey at no additional charge, please contact our Registrar – registrar@ubiquityuniversity.org and we can give you instructions on how to take advantage of this opportunity.

Important information on sharing videos with your fellow students and course facilitators:

Please upload your videos as “unlisted” via a youtube account. This way the videos can only be found/seen by those you share the link with. On our platform you can then share the video-link in the forum or with your course “buddies.” To submit a video to the course facilitators please insert the link in a text-file (e.g. word) and upload it via the “upload assignment” interface on the corresponding module.

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