
Humanity Rising, Ubiquity University, CIHS
and TransDimensional Mapping present

Psionics Summit

“Outer Space meets Inner Space”

Exploring the Psi, Plasma-Orb, NHI connection.


Free Zoom Webinar

Recordings will be provided​


Feb 23 2025
11 AM Pacific /
2 PM ET / 8 PM CET


Jake Barber
Ross Coulthart
Birdie Jaworski
Chris Bledsoe
Richard Dolan
Dr. Jim Garrison
Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens
Sarah Gamm
Dr. Pippa Malmgren
Bob Greenyer
Dr. David Clements
Georg Boch


Jake Barber

Former Intelligence Officer, Founder skywatcher.ai

Ross Coulthart

Investigative Journalist, Author

Birdie Jaworski

Remote Viewer, Creator of TransDimensional Mapping™

Richard Dolan

UFO Historian, Author

Chris Bledsoe

Experiencer, Author

Sarah Gamm

Physical Scientist, USACE

Dr. Jim Garrison

Founder, President, Ubiquity University

Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

Super Experiencer Researcher, California Institute for Human Science

Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Fmr US Presidential Advisor, Author

Bob Greenyer

Cold Fusion Researcher

Dr. David Clements

Living Energy Research Physicist

Georg Boch

ET Studies Facilitator, Ubiquity University

Summit Overview

With the recent whistleblower revelations of psionic teams using remote viewing in UAP retrieval, summoning UAP and communicating with ETs, along with the evidence of mental telepathy being common among autistic children as seen in the Telepathy Tapes, the reality of Extra Sensory Perception has reached the mainstream tipping point – right at the moment when UAP Disclosure is gaining momentum as never before. 

As Jake Barber has put it: “Outer Space meets Inner Space.”

The question of consciousness is now front and center in understanding both UAP and how humanity can communicate and interact with non human intelligences (NHI).

We are not alone and never have been. The NHI presence on Earth is real and they communicate through mental telepathy. This necessitates us understanding that our connection to the universal field of consciousness and information is the human condition and is what links us to the NHI and all other sentient beings.

The practice of Psionics for the purpose of NHI contact raises spiritual, scientific and political questions.

While remote viewing is an established military technology and CE5 is a known practice for ET contact, new systematic training methods, like TransDimensional Mapping, that awaken our dormant ESP abilities are transforming Disclosure from ending political secrecy to directly facilitating repeatable peaceful ET contact without intermediaries.

In this Summit, we will attempt shed light on the diverse perspectives on Psioncs:

We’ll hear about the history of psychic contact in ufology.
How the abduction phenomena influenced this conversation.
We will hear from those with a track record of psychically summoning NHI entities such as orbs.

We will hear emerging scientific theories on how human beings are able to
access psi abilities involving new understandings of the aether and living energy and consciousness.

Join us as we unite experiencers, remote viewers, and leading scientists to explore this phenomenon and its profound implications for the future of our species.

About ET Studies

Ubiquity University is pleased to announce a partnership with TransDimensional Mapping to create the world’s first Academic Certificates and Degree Program in Extraterrestrial Studies.

By joining this program, you will become part of the first wave of human beings dedicated to enabling humanity to enter its ET Moment in a spirit of open heartedness toward all beings, whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial. 

About TransDimensional Mapping™ (TDM)

TransDimensional Mapping™ (TDM) is a groundbreaking method of remote viewing developed by Birdie Jaworski after decades of research, practice, and innovation. TDM builds on Birdie’s foundational work with methods inspired by the U.S. government’s Stargate Program and takes remote viewing to an entirely new level. At its core, TDM employs dynamic, large-scale “maps” to organize and explore data, enabling practitioners to explore any target experience — across time, space, or concept — with precision and clarity.

Unlike traditional approaches, TDM treats all data as relevant, unlocking deeper layers of meaning through careful deconstruction and analysis. It focuses on creating comprehensive narratives that answer essential questions — who, what, when, where, and why — bringing clarity to even the most complex inquiries. Whether searching for missing persons, investigating mysterious phenomena, or uncovering hidden truths, TDM offers unparalleled potential for exploration and discovery.

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