
DL – Final Creative Assignment – MA Level

Final Creative Assignment – MA Level Students Only:

STOP! This assignment is only for students who are pursuing a master’s degree and are enrolled as graduate students. If you are not enrolled as a graduate student, you DO NOT have to do this assignment.

The central perspective of the WholeWorld-View of the cosmic hologram and its unification of reality is that information is reality, mind is matter and that consciousness isn’t something we have, it’s what we and the whole world are. The creative assignment of this course is to explore and depict this premise in any media form e.g. written, video, audio, presentation, art, digital artefact. This final Assignment requires both an intellectual written component showing mastery of the content of the instructional material and an artistic expressive component through any media of the student’s choosing. You may do this as part of a group or submit as an individual.

We use APA guidelines. For an MA level assignment, we expect:

Intellectual Written Component:

Twelve to Fifteen Pages

Your paper should address the following three aspects of your learning experience:

1. Demonstrate knowledge: Address at least three of the main points raised during the course from the intellectual perspective. What did you learn about the topics that were presented

2. Demonstrate self-mastery: Address how you personally feel about the points raised. Did you have any personal revelations? Did you learn something that changes your perspective either internally about yourself, or externally about the world?

3. Demonstrate impact: What will you do to apply your new knowledge and perspective in your daily life? Please give examples of how it may change how you interact with your peers, workplace or our global society at large.

Artistic Expressive Component:

Please post an image of, or a link to, your artistic project at the end of your written paper with a 250-300 word explanation as to why you did it, and what you were wishing to express with it. Your artistic expressive component may be done through any media of your choosing. This could include such items as:

  1. An audio/visual presentation (2-3 minute video)
  2. Poetry, or other forms of written or spoken word
  3. Musical composition
  4. Filmed choreography
  5. Photographic evidence of a work of art you have created
  6. Other project of your choosing

Wishing you all the best. Good luck!

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