
TSA Introduction to TSA – Reflections Task

1. For the Identifying Internal and External Stakeholders worksheet, select a business or organizations and prioritize your internal and external stakeholders and explain why you have prioritized them in the way that you have. What are the responsibilities to your stakeholders and why? Are there any additional stakeholders that are not listed that you would include?
In 100-300 words.

Please, download this document and use it for this first question of the reflections task.



2. Read the Puma article. Who are the stakeholders that Puma has engaged in their Environmental Profit & Loss (EP&L) accounting? How did Puma demonstrate accountability and transparency about their impacts and in which areas of their supply chain? How would you describe the contribution of the Environmental Profit & Loss (EP&L) accounting to their business case for sustainability?
In 100-300 words.

Upload your assignments below (as documents) & share them in the forum (as text).
100 points max awarded

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