
HIID – Week 4 – Socio-Systemic Case Studies – Reflection Task

For Self-Reflection Only:

Please conduct the following exercise: Reflect on what you’ve seen and discussed in this week’s lesson. Here are some questions to start with:

  • What are the main causes behind my key issue?
  • How could I design my project to address those more systemically?
  • What inspired me from the videos and group discussion? How could these insights and tactics be relevant to my Key Issue?

Capture your answers to these questions in your Project Diary.

If you are taking in our Live Virtual Classroom, you will discuss this question in your next class session or in your online student discussion forum. If you are taking in Internal Online Independent Study Mode, please capture the question and your answer in a single document called your Reflection Journal that you will upload for grading at the end of the course with your Final Creative Assignment. If you are taking in Audit-No Credit, or Lite Mode you can conduct this exercise for yourself or simply move ahead to the next lesson.

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