
HIID – Week 14 – Rounding Up and 2D Prototype Presentations – Project Diary Submission

Throughout this course, you should have been brainstorming, researching, designing, and re-designing in order to create your socio-systemic 2D Prototype. Here is where you now submit your group’s Project Diary.

Your group project diary should include:

  • Notes from your group brainstorming
  • Your content mapping (from week 7)
  • Any and all background research
  • What you did and discovered as a group in each one of the CIRR sections. (IE you should have notes from the ‘Critique’ section, as well as the ‘Insight’ section, etc.)

Your group diary should have ideally been on some kind of online platform such as Quip or Glip or Teamworks. – If so send the link(s) on a document and submit it here.

If it was in a physical diary, please photocopy and upload your Project Diary here to this lesson. Include your group name and project name both at the beginning and the end.

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