
HIID – Week 14 – Rounding Up and 2D Prototype Presentations – Peer Review of Presentations

Carefully review a peer’s creative assignment (2D Prototype Presentation) which are in the Dropbox folder. Write a 400-500 word peer review and upload it here to this lesson page. Your instructor will inform you which Creative Assignment/2D Prototype Presentation you are to review.

In your review, make sure to address the following items:

A. What did you most appreciate and why?
B. Make at least three suggestions for improvement
C. Inform the author about anything that needs clarification
D. Reflect on what you learned from their 2D Prototype assignment

Here are some introductory guidelines for writing your peer review:

1. “Responding” is not the same as “criticizing.” Responding is a more neutral and broad term that includes positive comments, personal responses, and suggestions for improvement. Authors can learn from praise as well as from constructive comments for a change.

2. Offer additive comments rather than simple compliments. Make suggestions about what you appreciated, and the writer might add to or develop in the paper. Cite examples: “the topic sentence of this paragraph led me to expect you to focus on X, so I was confused that there was so much of Y and Z in this paragraph instead.”

3.Comment on large issues (Did they respond to the assignment? Are important and interesting ideas presented? Is there a clear focus?) before smaller issues (awkward or confusing sentences, style, grammar, word choice, proofreading)

4. Be specific in your response and in your suggestions for revision (Explain where you get stuck, what you don’t understand, what you appreciated). Consider what will help the author most with regards to furthering their learning or completing their next assignment. And as much as you can, explain why you’re making particular suggestions.

5. Be respectful and honest. Most students are so nice and polite that they are of no real help to one another.

6. Don’t argue with the author or with other respondents. Alternative viewpoints are encouraged, but make sure to clearly explain how what you are saying connects with what the author said.

The person whose work you reviewed will be sent a short survey to assess how useful they found your feedback. You will be sent their response.

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