
HIID – Week 1 – High Impact Innovation Design – Reflection Task

For Self-Reflection Only:

What’s your key issue? Where is it that you really want to make real impact? This is the week to take time to reflect on what your key issue is. This will be the issue that you will be working on during the course and the issue for which you will be building a 2D Prototype/Project.

What is it you really think needs to change in the world? There may be some interrelated factors and interrelated problems so write down those too. Write down why this issue is important to you personally. Reflect on your deepest motivations.

Write this in your personal journal.

If you are taking this course in our Live Virtual Classroom, you will discuss this question in your next class session or in your online student discussion forum. For both Live Virtual Classroom and Internal Online Independent Study Mode, please capture all of the questions and your answers in a single document called your Reflection Journal that you will upload for grading at the end of the course with your Final Creative Assignment. If you are taking in Audit-No Credit, or Lite Mode you can conduct this exercise for yourself or simply move ahead to the next lesson.

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