
HIID – Week 5 – Engaging the Philosophic – Reflection Task

Reflection Task:

Reflect on the following in your Personal Journal:

A) What do you think the main ‘knowledge blunders’ are in your life’s social-cultural context?

  • Is there ‘double thinking’ in your society?
  • Are there ‘disjunctures’ in thinking in your society?
  • Are there things that are poorly thought through?
  • Is your issue being approached through a ’cause based analysis’ or through symptoms?
  • Who is seen as the ‘expert’ on the issue?
  • Does this include on the ground experience?
  • Does it include multiple perspectives?
  • Does it include diverse ‘ways of knowing’ or just one?

B) What could you do to start ‘busting blunders’ in your life context?

Reflect on the following in your Project Diary:

  1. Notice that the grassroots activists were able to compile knowledge and methods to rival that of the clinical scientists. What does that tell you about the very nature of knowledge?
  2. Notice that when they became seen as ‘the new experts’ how the power shifted and accelerated the success of their movement. Reflect on this and what it means for addressing ‘knowledge blunders’ around your Key Issue.

If you are taking in our Live Virtual Classroom, you will discuss this question in your next class session or in your online student discussion forum. If you are taking in Internal Online Independent Study Mode, please capture the question and your answer in a single document called your Reflection Journal that you will upload for grading at the end of the course with your Final Creative Assignment. If you are taking in Audit-No Credit, or Lite Mode you can conduct this exercise for yourself or simply move ahead to the next lesson.

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