
HIID – Week 5 – Engaging the Philosophic – Group Discussion

Group Discussion:

Please conduct the following exercise:

1. Reflect upon and capture your thoughts in your personal journal:

  • The Blunder of Normal
  • The Blunder of Social Investment
  • Disjuncture and Fragmented Knowledge

2. What are the key knowledge blunders we need to bust together in order to “re-define the possible?!”

3. Share examples from your life contexts.

4. Post your thoughts and discuss with your fellow classmates in our group communication channel.

For further details see the following:


If you are taking in our Live Virtual Classroom, you will discuss this question in your next class session or in your online student discussion forum. If you are taking in our Internal Online Independent Study Mode, Audit-No Credit, or Lite Mode you can conduct this exercise for yourself or simply move ahead to the next lesson.

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