
HIID – Week 9 – CIRR: The Critique – Reflection and Mapping Task

Reflection and Mapping Task:

In your groups, discuss, map, and reflect on how structural/systemic critiques apply to your project. Go over the following questions and compile them in a group Project Diary. (You will have to submit your project diary at the end of the course so putting all your project brainstorms and notes in shared online document apps such as Quip or Teamworks might be useful).

Compile your collective input, put all of your names and the name of your group on the document and share in your discussion forum.

  1. “Mess Map” – map all the different factors that are contributing to the problem your project is trying to address. This should include structural factors as well as social and cultural factors.
  2. Pre-Conditions – map the ‘pre-conditions’ that give rise to the different areas that are contributing to the problem. (You might want to create a venn diagram similar to the bio-psycho-social ven diagram used in Peter Joseph’s book to help clarify)
  3. Blunders – Are there any key blunders on how the issue has been addressed so far? Can you locate any short-comings in current or mainstream approaches to the problem? Are you divesting from the current system to re-invest in a new system? Identify some key critiques and explain key things for how you are trying to work socio-systemically.

If you are taking in our Live Virtual Classroom, you will discuss this question in your next class session or in your online student discussion forum. If you are taking in Internal Online Independent Study Mode, please capture the question and your answer in a single document called your Reflection Journal that you will upload for grading at the end of the course with your Final Creative Assignment. If you are taking in Audit-No Credit, or Lite Mode you can conduct this exercise for yourself or simply move ahead to the next lesson.

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