
HIID – Week 9 – CIRR: The Critique – Writing Task

Writing Task:

500 to 600 Words

Please conduct the following exercise: Listen to one or both of the following structural critiques by Peter Joseph and Jason Hickels. Then answer the following as they apply to each selection.

Peter Joseph:

  • List and describe the ‘structural phenomena’ he mentions which is contributing to poverty and oppression.
  • What are some of the solutions that Peter Joseph talks about? What are your thoughts on these? Can you think of more ways to act structurally?

Jason Hickels:

  • List and describe the ‘structural drivers of poverty’ and his argument on how poverty is created.
  • In the last 15 minutes, he describes how to act structurally to address the structural drivers of poverty. Explain some of the structural actions he puts forward. What are your thoughts on these? Can you think of more ways to act structurally?

Video: Peter Joseph’s Structural Critiques

Jason Hickels’ PodCast on structural drivers of poverty and inequality

Jason Hickels – Structural Drivers of Poverty

If you are taking in our Live Virtual Classroom, your instructor will review for grading. If you taking in our Internal Online Independent Study Mode you are not required to complete the assignment. If you are taking in Audit-No Credit, or Lite Mode, you can conduct this exercise for yourself or move ahead to the next lesson.

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