
HIID – Week 10 – CIRR: Insight – Video

Watch the next video and review the PDF. Reflect and take notes in your Group Project Diary.


Watch the following video and read the accompanying PDF regarding social research methods. You may or may not be able to schedule a time to interview people that are relevant to the problem you’re addressing with your project. Nevertheless, it is important to have at least some foundational knowledge as to how social research is conducted. Gaining insights and qualitative data on the personal social impact of an issue is important. The utilization of testimony can also be very valuable. Social research over time can help you understand the change in mindsets of people around a certain issue.

If you are not able to arrange a time to interview people, you should try to choose a topic that you have direct experience in or find a way for yourself to have more direct experience with the issue you’re dealing with. Insight can only be gained through direct experience…and experience is the integrator…experience is what enables you to integrate different types of knowledge. Insight is invaluable. Projects with high levels of insight possess knowledge which allows them to be more effective.

Social Research Methods:

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