Become an Honored Ubiquity University Patron

Each person donating $500 will become a patron of Ubiquity University and receive lifetime access to our course library and an optional mention on our patrons page. All donations received with immense gratitude!


Each person donating $500 will become a patron of Ubiquity University and receive lifetime access to our course library and an optional mention on our patrons page. All donations received with immense gratitude!

$ 500
Who's giving today?
Thank you for contributing to the future of conscious education and making the future one that we can all be proud of. To minimise transfer fees, we'd be immensely grateful if you could transfer directly to our bank account 'Donate by Bank Transfer'. Details for each region are listed below. If that's not possible, then from the USA we prefer you use Stripe; if from outside the USA please use Paypal. This keeps transaction fees to a minimum.
Personal Info

Select Payment Method
Billing Details

Many thanks for helping us move to the next level and making your donation via bank transfer. That saves us significant transaction fees.
Please add your name and the word Fundraiser as a reference when you make your payment.


If sending from a bank in the United States, please transfer to:
Account name: Ubiquity University
Account number: 9600008729435190
Routing number: 084009519
Address: Wise US Inc, 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor, New York, 10010, United States


If Sending from a bank in Europe, please transfer to:
Account name:Ubiquity University
IBAN: BE46 9671 7064 9436
Address: TransferWise Europe SA Avenue Louise 54, Room S52 Brussels 1050 Belgium


Your donation is greatly appreciated!
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Donation Total

Donation Total: $500