
HIID – Week 3 – Thinking and Working Systemically – Writing Task

Writing Task:

350 to 400 Words

By now, you should have:

  1. Watched at least one of the interviews (with Dr. Alexander Laszlo and/or Ms. Anneloes Smitman)
  2. Looked at the PowerPoint on Systems Thinking.
  3. Read at least one of the articles on systems thinking.
  4. Have done a personal reflection on systems thinking in relation to your key issue.


  • For a deeper understanding of systems theory, Senge and Poli have useful summaries.
  • For understanding key points of system change, Meadow’s article on ‘Leverage Points’ is a good one.

For this writing assignment we invite you to: Summarize the key things you understand about systems thinking. Bullet points are acceptable.

If you are taking in our Live Virtual Classroom, you will discuss this question in your next class session or in your online student discussion forum. If you are taking in Internal Online Independent Study Mode, please capture the question and your answer in a single document called your Reflection Journal that you will upload for grading at the end of the course with your Final Creative Assignment. If you are taking in Audit-No Credit, or Lite Mode you can conduct this exercise for yourself or simply move ahead to the next lesson.

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